Evaluation of Students’ Perceptions on the Quality of University Life In Terms of Democratic Life Culture: The Example of Cukurova University Physical Education and Sports Department
Olcay SALICI, Suleyman Demirel University
Pervin Bilir, Cukurova University
The main purpose of this study is to examine Cukurova University Physical Education and Sports Department students’ perceptions on the quality of university life and evaluate them in terms of democratic life culture. 241 students randomly selected students constitute the sample of search. Quality of University Life Scale (ÜYKÖ), developed by Doğanay and Sarı, was used as data collection tool. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the scale is found as 0.87.
As a result of the study, it is seen that students’ the lowest ratings belong to the “extents of identity” and “attendance to decisions”, while their highest ratings belong to “extents of future” and “classroom environment”. Significant differences are found at students’ perceptions of the quality of life in comparison based on their departments. It is observed that students of management department have higher ratings in the extents of “social opportunities” and “the attendance of decisions” while students of physical education teaching have higher averages in the extents of” student-student relationship “, “future” and “classroom environment”.